Information screens were presented and hung in the following educational institutions under the project “Renovation of Health Cabinets in Schools of Kedainiai and Anyksciai District Municipalities”:
Kedainiai District Labunava Basic School, address: Barupes str. 2 LT-58176, Pelednagiai eldership, Kedainiai district.
Kedainiai District Seta Gymnasium, address: Kedainiu str. 1 LT-58136, Setos eldership, Kedainiai district.
Kedainiai Nursery-Kindergarten “Zilvitis”, address: Respublikos str. 2 LT-57397, Kedainiai.
Public Institution Alternative Education Center-Kedainiai Nursery-Kindergarten “Laimingi vaikai”, address: Skongalio str. 23A LT-57250, Kedainiai.
The use of information screens in educational institutions will contribute to the goal of the project –to improve the prevention of mental health and reduce inequalities in Kedainiai district municipality.